It's all about what & who is behind your bar...

It's all about what and who is behind the bar
It's all about who and what is behind the bar is the statement in which CEO, experienced bartender, sommelier, and bar manager Rhyssa-Kathryn Marie Beckford founded It's Kaye, Behind the Bar on. What you pour, how it's poured, what's it's mixed with, how it's presented and who the bartender are all at the core of impeccable bar services. As a company, we want to ensure that the bar is the highlight of every event that you host. We might acquire you as a client at first but in the end, we want to develop a relationship where we shake it up at every celebration big or small that life has in store for you.
We currently provide our mobile mixology services, cocktail lessons, and wine tastings in Miami, Atlanta, Nashville, Savannah and Las Vegas.

Who is Kaye?